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Data security and privacy are becoming more and more crucial in this era of cyberwarfare, and organizations of all sizes are collecting and storing more data than ever. This data can be sensitive, including personal information about customers, employees, and partners. To safeguard their data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction, organizations must have strong data security and privacy procedures in place. By staying up-to-date on the latest data security and privacy trends, businesses can protect their data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction. This will help to protect their customers, employees, and partners, and it will also help to protect their reputation and bottom line.

Working with a cyber security specialist like Strava Cyber Labs - A Cyber Defence Centre, can help to strengthen the cyber security posture of your organization specifically for your sector. The industries we serve are listed below. If you work in any of these sectors and want to strengthen your cyber security postures against the next gen cyber warfare, connect with us today and speak with our Cyber Defence Units experts.


Critical Infra


MSME & Startups

Manufacturing Industry

Power Grid

Oil & Gas

Telecom/Service Provider

Banking/Financial Service


Smart City

Law Enforcement Agencies

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Report a Cyber Incident

Report a Cyber Incident Quickly & Easily. By working together, we can keep the online users stay alert from cyber threats.

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We can now meet your cyber security needs in the following Locations. Please select your nearest location and get in touch with us right away to get your cyber security consulting, solutions, or products. Please let us know if you have any recommendations so that we and our partners can take them into account while looking for new locations to station our staff.
